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Changing Pace With Innovative Technology

Having overcome three waves of COVID-19, the past year has proven to be one of the most challenging for Hong Kong in recent times. No business has been immune to the effects of the pandemic, but some have fared better than others. We met with three business leaders - Brandon Chau, Founder of Noblesse Lifestyle Group, Alan Lo, Co-founder of the Duddell’s and Evan Chow, Managing Partner of MCL Financial Group and Art Collector - to see how technology has helped their businesses thrive and grow during these unprecedented times.

疫情令人們的生活模式大大改變,科技產品隨着生活新型態而變得不可或缺。我們邀請到三位商界精英,包括 Noblesse Lifestyle Group 創辦人周國豐(Brandon)、 都爹利會館聯合創辦人羅揚傑(Alan)和 MCL Financial Group 執行合夥人及藝術收藏家周世耀(Evan)分享他們如何運用嶄新科技改善生活。

On Smartphones Reigning Supreme


Conference calls have not decreased even at the height of the pandemic. Brandon uses Zoom and other social media platforms to conduct virtual conferences and has gradually adapted to the new norm. “Business trips are no longer a must. I can rely on Zoom for all my conferences,” he admits. He does not reserve his phone for virtual conferences but also uses it to order take-out on a regular basis.

imageAlan Lo, Co-founder of the Duddell’s


As a restauranteur in Hong Kong, Alan has been ordering delivery more as he spends his days at home. His restaurant group also adapted by offering delivery services. “The pandemic has resulted in a new definition of normal. While we certainly appreciated being able to spend more time at home with our families, we still missed the experience of dining out in the city, and so these initiatives enabled our customers to order take-away meals or even engage a Chef at home service with just a few clicks on their smartphones.” On the other hand, Alan speaks about juggling his role as a dad at home. He mentions that “the implementation of home schooling provided me with a new challenge as I had to be ready to provide “on-site” IT support for my three sons’ zoom classes throughout the day. Thankfully, I was able to multitask using my Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G smartphone to reply messages, check emails and review presentations.” The phone’s functions provided a laptop-like experience, making it an essential for Alan during the pandemic.


Evan, an art collector who scours the globe for his favourite artworks, has been bound by social distancing restrictions during the pandemic. Although he can’t physically attend art exhibition and auctions, most galleries are able to facilitate digital exhibitions. Through technology, Alan “realised that we could cut down on so many unnecessary social events, as a result of the ongoing travel restrictions. I am able to handle a lot of tasks by just using my smartphone, which has allowed me to free up more time to indulge in projects that I’m passionate in.”



疫情即使肆虐,但會議無法減少,因此他經常使用 Zoom 及其他社交媒體進行視像會議,慢慢覺得非常方便。「原來很多 business trip 都可以不去,靠 Zoom 就可以搞掂。」他笑指電話除了用來開會以外,最近還不斷藉此「叫外賣」。



身為本地多間餐廳創辦人的 Alan 表示,近月來多了留在家中的時間,幫襯外賣的次數亦隨之增加,其餐飲集團亦有推出外賣服務。「疫情衍生了新常態,人們少了出街吃飯,多了與家人一起,整個飲食及生活模式轉變了,例如變成 Chef at home,或者能夠在高級餐廳叫外賣服務,甚至 order 一杯 cocktail 都可以。」另一方面,Alan 在家亦有與孩子一起上 Zoom Class,充當家居 IT 技術員。「因為要減少出門,我們都減少了他們去探爺爺的次數,變成通過 Zoom 或其他視像會議與親友聯繫。由於要在小朋友身邊協助,變相我不方便在書房中工作,所以只能夠在他們旁邊工作,回覆 Whatsapp、電郵及查閱 presentation 等等。」可想而知,多功能電話隨著疫情而變得不可或缺。


對於藝術收藏家的 Evan 而言,疫情令他長時間留在香港,雖然無法親身參觀他最感興趣的展覽或拍賣,幸好很多主辦單位轉為網上進行,可以讓他參觀模擬畫廊,更聚焦自己心儀藝術家的作品。「透過科技,我們可以減少一些不必要的應酬及活動,很多事情只靠一部電話,都能夠搞掂,就可騰出更多空間去享受其他方面的興趣。」

On businesses adapting to the new normal

imageBrandon Chau, Founder of Noblesse Lifestyle Group


Brandon was initially worried about the significant drop in foot traffic in store affecting his sales. However, the pandemic unexpectedly boosted his online sales. Brandon reveals that, “we have seen a lot more enquiries to our Savoir Beds and mattress on Instagram. Instead of having face to face meetings, we encouraged our staff to use video conferencing technology or videos captured on their mobile phones to introduce the merchandise to our customers. Through the use of mobile technology, they’ve transformed themselves into professional Instagrammers (joking) to help showcase our products and have successfully closed many deals with our customers.”


Businesses are forced to transform and pivot to work in tandem with the ever-evolving climate. “The pandemic has resulted in a new definition of normal. Shutting down our restaurants for nine months simply wasn’t sustainable, and so as a restaurant owner, I had to transform our business to make it more agile. Hence, by leveraging mobile technology and social media, we were able to launch a cloud-based kitchen, as well as an online and offline delivery platform,” asserts Alan.

imageEvan Chow, Managing Partner of MCL Financial Group and Art Collector


Many may agree to the work-at-home arrangment, but as a financier himself Evan questions its effectiveness across all industries. “The volatility of the global market coupled with the pandemic caught all of us off guard. Investors are relying on technology more than ever to stay close to market fluctuations,” says Evan. The financial market, foreign exchange market, indexes and certain stock markets are shifting drastically. Providing timely solutions and facilitating new ways of negotiating with investors were the biggest challenges at the beginning of the outbreak. The increasing demand for technology-based communications and the importance of 5G connections have become indispensable. “With a simple phone call, you can communicate with colleagues and guests succinctly, which is more direct and convenient than ever,” reinforces Evan.


image周國豐,Noblesse Lifestyle Group 創辦人


本身代理寢具品牌業務的 Brandon 提到,最初擔心客人不敢外出,令生意大受影響,卻沒想到疫情令人不停「玩」電話,從而網購生意大增。「不少客人在 Instagram 看到我們的 product 後,就會直接聯絡店舖。當他們無法到店舖看見實物,售貨員就會拍片跟客人直接來個 video conference,好像網紅一樣與客人溝通,結果雙方只是透過電話,就能完成買賣,非常有趣。」


從事飲食業的 Alan,面對政府的多輪防疫措施,不得不求變。「疫情之下,我們要學懂如何與病毒同步生活及工作,譬如飲食業沒可能家居工作,加上疫情至今已是九個月,市場已改變成一個新常態,所以商界必須思考不同方面,不再停留於傳統實體店,卻要利用科技創造新的生態系統,例如 cloud kitchen、online & offline delivery platform 等等。」說穿了,餐廳在社交媒體上的內容非常重要,這一切都與科技大有關係。

image周世耀 ,MCL Financial Group 執行合夥人及藝術收藏家


至於真正身份是金融人的 Evan 坦言,不少人覺得 work at home 有效,但真的視乎行業。「環球經濟波動,疫情在世界各地持續不斷,大家有點措手不及,要同時靈活留意各個市場變動,投資者更相信科技愈來愈重要。」由於金融市場波動,外匯、指數及部分股票波幅較大,所以要為投資客戶及時提供解決方案及安排新的會談方式,絕對是疫情最初時候的當務之急,技術媒介通信的需求增加及 5G 連接的重要性必不可少。「簡單一個電話,就能與同事、客人精簡地溝通,比以往更直接方便。」

2020-10-07 00:00:00.0