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Keep Cabin Fever at Bay

Everything You Need to Stay Sane at Home

With tightening COVID restrictions, most of us are not only working from home but generally staying in as much as possible. Spoiled by the convenience and variety in our day-to-day, it’s hard to get used to life within four walls. Running out of ideas to keep yourself and the family entertained? Here’s the Lane Crawford guide to staying sane during insane times - all essentials are just a click away.


Overwhelmed by the news or drained from family interactions? Bring the salon experience to the comfort of your home. Set the tone with aromatic candles, plush bath towels, and a relaxing playlist. From bath and body treatments to a skincare routine that brightens, calms, and lifts skin - as well as spirits - take the time to luxuriate in restorative self-care.


Go on, think of all the perks of being stuck at home! Saving on commute time, squeezing in extra beauty sleep, and staying in the ‘messy bedhead and effortless loungewear’ state all day are a few of the many joys of staying in. Loungewear is more than what we put on in the morning – it has become our identity – and PANGAIA's everyday staples should be your first port of call. Put a smile on your face while running errands by popping on a mood-boosting outfit and face mask courtesy of our Lane Crawford Comfort Colour Pack – with 10% savings.


Bona fide master or total newbie? Mahjong is surprisingly easy to pick up - not to mention super addictive. The four-player game is also a fun way to gather the family together. Instead of fighting about who forgot to wash the dishes, you’ll only be hearing victorious shouts of “Pong!” Part of a two-person family unit? Satisfy your inner child by competing in rounds of foosball, pool and retro games like Pac Man and Asteroids.


What makes the afternoon tea experience isn’t scones with clotted cream or even fragrant loose-leaf teas – it’s the exquisite tableware. From Murano crystal glasses to hand-painted china, stainless steel cutlery, and vibrantly printed stoneware, your tea party can take on any number of themes.


Joining an online yoga class allows you to release happy hormones and maintain a sense of normalcy by keeping up with your usual hobbies. Even though you might just be a small square on a Zoom call, you can still protect your rep as the best-dressed yogi out there. Get fitted in sleek, stylish, and functional yoga gear because when you look good, you feel good.


Above all, it’s important to remember that we’re staying in to protect ourselves and our community. Even at home, wash hands often, keep surfaces clean, and take supplements for an extra immunity boost. If you do have to head out, pop a hand sanitiser in your purse and always keep your face mask on.

Shop our edit below to make the most of your time indoors.

2022-02-16 00:00:00.0

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