The new normal is here, and it currently includes surgical masks and hand sanitizer. But while ensuring optimum hygiene is an accepted measure of current times, what is to become of our skin?
If you’re washing your hands that many more times a day, and breathing through a mask whenever you leave the house, your skin is bound to need a little more TLC. Hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes are convenient options for when you are out and about, but where possible, your average soap and water combo should remain a go-to as soaps typically contain an ideal mix of moisturising ingredients and antibacterial properties. The Banho - Citron Verbena liquid soap from Claus Porto doesn’t just smell great, it’s enriched with aloe leaf extract to soothe and nourish. Liquid handwash from Aesop and Aromatherapy Associates are also great therapeutic cleansing alternatives that are luxuriously formulated to disinfect.