If ever there was a shade that encapsulates all the diverse facets of modern womanhood – it might just be pink. At once it is feminine, pretty, quiet and simultaneously exuberant, striking and a little vulgar. It can appear soft and ethereal in a powder shade; pungent, provocative in a red toned fuchsia or romantic in an old fashioned rose tone. There are hues to suit many different temperaments and skin tones.

Most of us will have experienced numerous affairs with pink over the years. We will have embraced it, rejected it and debated the reason for the widespread girlhood obsession. But the diversity and popularity of pink is what makes it so appealing right now.

A pink tailored suit with a new strong shoulder line gives one every reason not to consider navy or grey. It says ‘soft power’ all over. A bubblegum pink top, meanwhile, sums up the retro 1980s moment in one flashy pop while a long floating chiffon dress might beckon a new era of love. Metallic pinks sizzle with expectation while lingerie pinks are there to seduce. The latest fashion is to wear a range of shades together and that will leave a multitude of impressions. A silk slip or a traditional trenchcoat, 18 or 80 - the promise has just been put back into pink.