French shoe maestro, Christian Louboutin, turns his talents to lipstick - and what a perfect pairing. With a sensational pair of heels and distinctive lacquered lips, we are ready and dressed for the world.

"This precious object will be coveted by others. Suggesting a purse full of rare and precious stones that could have been discovered in Ali Baba's cave, it will arouse lust and desire... and is made to be stolen,” says Louboutin of the talisman like form of his new lipstick and liquid lacquer range. Now, given that designers are full of their own bravado, one might take this statement with a pinch of salt. That’s until you handle the stick. Its sabre-like form with python-esque scales and crown topper evokes a phial or an ancient Middle Eastern fertility symbol. And therein in lies the promise of the femme fatale drama that is associated with the perfect painted, luscious lip.

This is a small object with a big impact that one might even consider hanging from a ribbon around your neck from the convenient ring. The full range encompasses 46 shades and naturally includes that iconic bright red shade that is Louboutin’s signature on all his heels. Other favourites include a tropical pink called Bengali and deep dark maroon that’s called Casanovella and by the name alone, you can guess where the ambition of this hue is going.

Heels first fascinated the Frenchman as a young boy when he came across a poster image of stilettoes. Fair to say, he knows about the power of seduction. These lipsticks might be some of the most expensive known to womankind and with that in mind we anticipate thrills in the wearing and the kissing.